at the clinic
I go to the abortion clinics because it is the last opportunity those babies have for someone to be their voice and it is the last opportunity to plead with moms and dads before they become the mom and dad of a child that they have chosen to murder. When I am at the clinic my goal is to try and engage moms and dads and to communicate three things with them:
1.) The Gospel. This ministry is centered on the Gospel, on the only hope that any of us have to be made right with the God who created us and all things. I primarily want moms and dads to be confronted with what Christ has done in history in his righteous life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection. I know that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. I know that a mom and dad making the right choice not to kill their baby does not do anything to save them, or make them more commendable to God, that only faith in Christ can make us right with God.
2.) The heartfelt plea. I call them to be courageous moms and dads and to save their babies. I let them know that I am for them not against them, and that I want better things for them than to be a mom and dad who has murdered their own child. I let them know that I am there because God has commanded us to love our neighbors and both they and their babies are created in God’s image and, hence, both they and their babies are my neighbors.
.3.) The offer of help and support. I fundraise in order to be able to stay doing this ministry full time and still take care of my family. If God blesses me with a surplus of funds those funds will of course be put toward helping these moms and dads. Thankfully, though, the church where I am a member provides the resources for the moms and dads. My church will provide for their physical practical needs (rent, utilities, groceries etc). We also have families that are ready and willing to adopt their baby at no cost to them. Furthermore, there are a plethora of pro-life clinics around Arizona that can provide various services for free. I am also working to invite other churches in AZ to allow me to send a mom their way for help and support.